Links to HiPERCAM resources.
Software and on-line calculators
- pipeline (warw, shef) - HiPERCAM data-reduction pipeline user manual.
- hfinder - HiPERCAM observation planning and finding chart tool.
- thruput - HiPERCAM pysynphot package.
- git - HiPERCAM GitHub repositories.
- comp - Comparison star probability calculator.
- ETC - HiPERCAM exposure time calculator.
- speed - HiPERCAM frame-rate calculator
- stds - HiPERCAM standard stars
Instrument information
- userman - HiPERCAM user manual (partially completed).
- grafana (CCDs), grafana (rack PC) - Live CCD and rack PC status
- GTC+HiPERCAM - GTC web page on HiPERCAM.
- filters - HiPERCAM filter database.
- vik's logs, tom's logs - HiPERCAM observing logs.
- logistics - HiPERCAM logistics page.
- blog - HiPERCAM observing blog.
- stu's phase II, tom's phase II - HiPERCAM phase II pages.
- rota - HiPERCAM observing rota.
- spie1, spie2, spie3, mnras - HiPERCAM instrument papers.
- spie1, spie2 (online), valencia - HiPERCAM instrument talks.
- optics - HiPERCAM optics page.
- detectors - HiPERCAM detectors, heads and controllers page.
- mechanical - HiPERCAM mechanical design drawings.
- UKATC - HiPERCAM documentation and drawings from UKATC.
- requirements & reviews - HiPERCAM requirements and design reviews.
- proposals - HiPERCAM grants and other proposals.
- rotator - HiPERCAM documentation for new GTC rotator.