Requirements & Reviews
HiPERCAM requirements and design reviews.
The HiPERCAM project began with the definition of the various instrument requirements. Once these had been set, we followed a standard design review process. First, the Preliminary Design Review (PDR), during which it was demonstrated that the preliminary design met all of the requirements with acceptable risk and within the budget and time constraints. Second, the Critical Design Review (CDR), at which it was demonstrated that the design was at the stage that manufacture, assembly, integration and testing (MAIT) could begin.

- CCD head requirements (docx, pdf).
- CCD controller requirements (docx, pdf).
- HiPERCAM instrument requirements.
- Scintillation corrector requirements.
- Software requirements.
Optical CDR/Mechanical PDR (UKATC, 2015 May 13)
Mechanical CDR (UKATC, 2015 Oct 21)
- Project overview.
- Mechanical critical design document.
- Preliminary optical alignment procedure.
- Method statement for octopod integration (docx, pdf).
- PDR & CDR actions.
- Budget.
- Gantt chart.
Scintillation corrector/COMPO meetings
- Scintillation corrector preliminary design presentation 1, UKATC, 11/11/2014.
- Scintillation corrector preliminary design presentation 2, UKATC, 11/11/2014.
- HiPERCAM preliminary optical design, UKATC, 11/11/2014.
- Scintillation corrector optical design concepts, 27/04/2017 (no meeting).
- COMPO overview, UKATC, 27/04/2018.
- COMPO optical design concepts, UKATC, 27/04/2018.
- COMPO overview, Durham, 30/05/2018.
- COMPO optical design concepts, Durham, 30/05/2018.
- COMPO overview, Durham, 06/09/2018.
- COMPO optical design concepts, Durham, 06/09/2018 (COMPO zemax, COMPO+HiPERCAM-z zemax).
- COMPO Final Design Review, Durham, 29/01/2019 (COMPO zemax, COMPO+HiPERCAM-z zemax).
- COMPO Final Design Review presentations, Durham, 29/01/2019 (Vik, David, Marc, Stu).
- COMPO optical alignment meeting, UKATC, 17/10/2019.
- COMPO optical alignment meeting, Zoom, 19/01/2021.
- COMPO optical alignment plan.
- COMPO pupil alignment.
- COMPO optical alignment meeting, Zoom, 30/03/2021.
Rotator PDR (Zoom, 2020 Dec 18)
- Emails to PDR panel (invitation, docs, addendum, agenda).
- Functional and performance requirements document.
- Design and analysis document.
- Addendum to the design and analysis document.
- STEP file containing mechanical design of rotator with HiPERCAM attached.
- Panel comments on the functional and performance requirements document.
- Panel comments on the design and analysis document.
- Vik Dhillon's PDR presentation.
- Marc Dubbeldam's PDR presentation.
- Video of the PDR meeting (passcode: 9Mt+Fa8Y).
- Report on PDR meeting.
Rotator FDR (Zoom, 2021 Aug 4)
- Email to FDR panel.
- Vik Dhillon's FDR presentation.
- Drawings (IDOM 1, IDOM 2, STEP file, Marc 3D view).
- IDOM configuration item data list.
- IDOM compliance matrix.
- IDOM factory acceptance test verification procedures.
- IDOM assembly procedure.
- IDOM mechanical design and analysis report.
- IDOM RAM analysis report.
- IDOM safety analysis.
- Enclosure space envelope (3D, 2D).
- RIX table (live), RIX table (PDF snapshot 03/08/2021), RIX table (xlsx snapshot 03/08/2021).
- Minutes of FDR meeting.
Rotator FDR close-out (Zoom, 2021 Sep 29 & Oct 22)
- Email to FDR close-out panel.
- Cables through wrap (15/11/2021).
- Meeting minutes (29/09/2021).
- RIX table (live), RIX table (PDF snapshot 06/10/2021), RIX table (xlsx snapshot 06/10/2021).
- Drawings v2 (IDOM 1 (old), STEP file, interface flange on rotator for COMPO collar (old), interface flange on rotator for COMPO collar (final), rotator, interfaces and cables (final), Marc's electronics cabinet doc (final), STEP file showing final cabinet, rotator and HiPERCAM, Marc's counterweight doc.
- IDOM v2 configuration item data list.
- IDOM v2 compliance matrix.
- IDOM v2 factory acceptance test verification procedures.
- IDOM v2 assembly procedure.
- IDOM v2 mechanical design and analysis report.
- IDOM v2 RAM analysis report.
- IDOM v2 safety analysis.
- Meeting minutes (22/10/2021).
Rotator Factory Acceptance Tests (Tele-FAT, 2022 June 22)
- FAT report v2 (IDOM).
- Comments on FAT report (Marc, Vik).