HiPERCAM optics page.
This page brings together all of the documents, drawings and data files related to the HiPERCAM optical design. The optics were designed by Martin Black and David Henry at the UKATC, and manufactured by Rocky Mountain Instrument Co. (RMI) in the USA and Asahi Spectra Co., Ltd. in Japan.

Lenses and mirrors
- HiPERCAM optical design document (docx, pdf).
- HiPERCAM WHT/NTT collimator design document.
- HiPERCAM GTC collimator design document (docx, pdf).
- GTC collimator options.
- GTC collimator vignetting.
- HiPERCAM on GTC (docx, pdf).
- u-band camera trade-off (xlsx, pdf).
- Tender invitation, response, quotation, award.
- Final lens drawings, ISO10110 cheat sheet.
- RMI assembly data.
- Final as-built and optimised optical design, with WHT (docx, zar, txt, summary, sketch, readme).
- Final as-built and optimised optical design, with GTC (zar, txt).
- Collimator chip photos. 😢
- Detector orientations.
- Schott catalogue.
- Throughputs of lenses and AR-coatings†.
- Optical alignment procedure.
- Artificial star field (quote, checkplot tube, checkplot blade).
- Drift-mode Zaber stage (quote, datasheet, STEP file, web).
- Approved lens barrel drawings (collimator internal, collimator external, u camera internal, u camera external, g int, g ext, r int, r ext, i int, i ext, z int, z ext, readme).
- COMPO lenses (doublet drawing, N-FK58 drawing, K10 drawing, quote, as-built specs, as-built throughput, as-built N-FK58 AR, as-built K10 AR, N-FK58 melt, K10 melt, N-FK58 lens#1/surf#1, N-FK58 lens#1/surf#2, N-FK58 lens#2/surf#1, N-FK58 lens#2/surf#2, N-FK58 lens#3/surf#1, N-FK58 lens#3/surf#2, N-FK58 lens#4/surf#1, K10 lens#1/surf#1, K10 lens#1/surf#2, K10 lens#2/surf#1, K10 lens#2/surf#2, K10 lens#3/surf#1, K10 lens#3/surf#2, K10 lens#4/surf#1, K10 lens#4/surf#2, actual doublet witness piece throughput plot by UKATC, actual doublet witness piece throughput data by UKATC).
- COMPO mirrors (pick-off mirror drawing, fold mirror drawing, pick-off mirror quote, fold mirror quote, mirror datasheet, mirror reflectivity, actual mirror reflectivity at 45 degrees plot by UKATC, actual mirror reflectivity at 45 degrees data by UKATC, actual mirror reflectivity by manufacturer).
- COMPO Newport stages (quote, rotation stage web, rotation stage manual, controller web, controller manual, linear stage web).
- COMPO Zaber stage (quote, linear stage web, controller web, daisy chain PSU web, cabling diagram).
- COMPO mechanical design (STEP file, 2019-05-17, flexures 1, flexures 2).
- COMPO alignment procedure, 2019-03-12.
- COMPO autoguider concept v1, concept v2, concept v3, image quality, zemax, lens 1, lens 2, camera, CAT6A cable, PoE switch, view 1, view 2, view 3, view 4, view 5, view 6.
- WHT-GTC pupil comparison.
- What's the difference between the exit pupil and the intermediate pupil?
- Ghost analysis.
- Dichroic analysis document.
- Dichroic specification document.
- Quote.
- Dichroic 1 (transmittance/reflectance†, info, AR coating reflectivity, AR info1, AR info2, RWF AR surface, RWF dichroic surface, TWF, RWF/TWF info).
- Dichroic 2 (transmittance/reflectance†, info, AR coating reflectivity, AR info, RWF 1, RWF 2, RWF 3, TWF 1, TWF 2, TWF 3, RWF/TWF locations, RWF/TWF info).
- Dichroic 3 (transmittance/reflectance†, info, AR coating reflectivity, AR info, RWF 1, RWF 2, RWF 3, TWF 1, TWF 2, TWF 3, RWF/TWF locations, RWF/TWF info).
- Dichroic 4 (transmittance/reflectance†, info, AR coating reflectivity, AR info, RWF AR surface, RWF dichroic surface, TWF, RWF/TWF locations, RWF/TWF info).
- Direction arrow (photo, email).
Filters & Windows
- Window set 1 (readme, quote, throughput†, RWF1, RWF2, TWF, info1, info2).
- Window set 2 (readme, throughput†, RWF1, RWF2, TWF, info1, info2).
- Window set 3 (readme, throughput†, RWF1, RWF2, TWF, info1, info2).
- HiPERCAM SDSS filters (readme, quote, throughput†, TWF, info, as-built plot with bandpass shift, as-built vs theor plot with no bandpass shift, as-built plot with vs without bandpass shift, crossover wavelengths).
- HiPERCAM Super SDSS filters (readme, quote, u thruput†, g thruput†, r thruput†, i thruput†, z thruput†, TWF1, TWF2, info, as-built plot with dichroics, as-built plot with dichroics and original SDSS filters, crossover wavelengths).
- CCD aperture calculator.
- Filter database.
- Info on diffuser from Gudmundur/Suvrath (AR coating curve, specs, telecon slides, diffuser quote, ARCTIC flat field comparison, ARCTIC flat field, ApJ paper, press release, NOT diffusers).
- Diffuser installation photos.
- On-sky tests with diffuser (PSF, fits image, FWHM vs time, throughput, GTC flat, GTC flat png, Trappist-1 light curve).
- On-sky tests without diffuser, but with telescope defocused (PSF, fits image, FWHM vs time, GTC flat).
†For ASCII versions of these files in a uniform format, go to the
HiPERCAM pysynphot package