HiPERCAM detectors, heads and controllers page.
This page brings together all of the documents, drawings and data files related to the HiPERCAM CCDs, CCD heads and CCD controllers, which were procured from e2v, Universal Cryogenics and ESO, respectively.

CCD documentation
- Single source authorisation for e2v.
- QE curves, theoretical, enhanced (astro) process, -100°C (xls, throughputs-txt, throughputs-plotall, throughputs-plotfinal).
- Dark current plots (theoretical, measured).
- e2v contract.
- e2v contract variation.
- Characterisation Report.
- Characterisation Results Review.
- Electro-optical and mechanical results sheets (G27-14132-06-05, G27-14132-08-05, G27-14132-08-08, G28-14123-08-07, G29-14123-01-07.pdf, G29-14123-01-08.pdf).
- Test Readiness Review.
- Test Readiness Report Review.
- Part Fill Photodiode Calibration Method.
- G29 QE concession (pdf, xls).
- Interface Control Document (CCD datasheet).
- Naidu's detector inspection reports (G27-14132-06-05, G27-14132-08-05, G27-14132-08-08, G28-14123-08-07, G29-14123-01-07.pdf, G29-14123-01-08.pdf).
CCD controller documentation
- Case to use NGC for HiPERCAM.
- Single source authorisation for NGC.
- NGC housing details.
- NGC Introduction.
- NGC General Information.
- NGC Hardware Details (old).
- NGC Software Details (old).
- NGC Project Documentation.
- Software for the New General detector Controller (NGC).
- Stu's NGC controller notes.
- Bandwidth paper.
- Naidu's copies of ESO NGC documentation (CCD_Preamp_Add-On_Rev20, FEB_Transition_board_Rev_50, FRONT_END_BASIC_REV50, NGC_Base_Software_3836_NGC, NGC_CCD_Preamp_Rev30, NGC_USER_MANUAL_iss1, SCI-NGC_PowerSupply_user_manual, VLT-MAN-ESO-13660-3897_Waveform_Editor, VLT-MAN-ESO-13660-4085_NGC_Detector_Control_Software, VLT-MAN-ESO-13660-4086_9_NGC_Optical_DCS_User_Manual.pdf, WR-StegmeierCumaniDfA2009.pdf).
CCD head documentation
- Invitation to tender.
- Tender response.
- Tender response clarifications (first, second, third).
- Final contract (Award letter 1, Award letter 2, T&Cs, T&Cs signed).
- Contract variation.
- Extra hardware costs.
- CCD head design (2017/04/13 - EASM, 2017/04/13 - STEP, 2018/08/13 - as-built - STEP).
- Connector names.
- CCD head orientation (UCryo, Trevor).
- TECs (datasheet, mounting advice 1 [#20.6.4,p757 & #20.6.5,p758], mounting advice 2, electrical connection advice 1, electrical connection advice 2, quote).
- Cu gasket drawing.
- Temperature sensors.
- Getter (specs, userguide, web).
- Vacuum (gauge+controller+cable quote, gauge datasheet, gauge manual, gauge webpage, controller datasheet, controller manual, controller webpage, cable webpage, outgassing materials, outgassing info, theory, pump webpage, pump manual, pump quote).
- Staubli fittings (doc [partially completed], main drawing, spares drawing, Staubli drawing, parts, quote, CBI connectors catalogue, SPT connectors catalogue, adaptors catalogue, hoses catalogue, manifold catalogue).
- Swagelok/VCR fittings (valve quote, valve catalogue, valve web, manifold quote).
- ZIF connectors (assembled datasheet, kit datasheet, e2v modification, Naidu's photos).
- Indium Heat-Spring (presentation, datasheet, web, purchase).
- sub-C connectors (quote, web).
- SMC/Kuhnke fittings (quote, manifold datasheet, manifold web, coupling).
- Huber chillers (025 quote, 025 datasheet, 025 web, 025 drawing, 280 quote, 280 datasheet, 280 web, user manual, comms).
- Titan Hall-effect flow sensors (quote, datasheet, instructions, web).
- Titan ultrasonic flow sensors (quote, brochure, instructions, web).
- Titan optical flow sensors (quote, datasheet, instructions, web).
- Honeywell data recorder (quote 1, quote 2, datasheet, user manual, setup instructions, Stu's comms notes, web).
- Meerstetter TEC controller (quote 1 - bought via UCryo, quote 2 - spare, TEC-1090 datasheet, TEC-1090 setup guide, TEC-1090 user manual, LTR-1200 user manual, Naidu's setup notes, TEC-1090 HV web, LTR-1200 LDD web).
- Spectracom GPS (PCIe-012 #1 quote, PCIe-012 #2 quote, fibre converter quote, PCIe-011 swap quote, amplifier quote, mode conditioner quote, 40m coax quote, 150m fibre quote, PCIe datasheet, PCIe connections, antenna datasheet, surge protector datasheet, in-line amplifier datasheet, antenna mount kit datasheet, lightning protection info, antenna installation info, Spectracom fibre converter datasheet, Optical Zonu fibre converter datasheet, fibre converter info email, TSync user manual, TSync API guide, TSync driver guide, TSync web, TSync PCIe web, TSync accessories web).