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Allocation PeriodMode Nights Programme Instrument PI/CoI Raw Products
080.A-0516(B) on 25 Jan 2008, 3.6 80Visitor2Normal EFOSC2 Hamuy/ Maza/ Folatelli/ Pignata/ Clocchiatti/ Bersten/ Olivares/ Salgado/ Jones/ Morrell/ Phillips FileList
00.0-0000 on 27 Jan 2008, 3.6 80Visitor2Normal  Technical time FileList
080.D-0520(A) on 29 Jan 2008, 3.6 80Visitor2Normal Special3.6 O'Brien/ Dhillon/ Marsh/ Munoz-Darias/ Casares FileList
080.D-0803(A) on 31 Jan 2008, 3.6 80Visitor4Normal Special3.6 Dhillon/ Marsh/ Littlefair/ Shearer/ Kerry/ Copperwheat FileList
080.D-0561(A) on 04 Feb 2008, 3.6 80Visitor5Normal Special3.6 Marsh/ Copperwheat/ Littlefair/ Dhillon/ Watson FileList
080.D-0734(A) on 09 Feb 2008, 3.6 80Visitor2Normal Special3.6 Watson/ Littlefair/ Dhillon/ Marsh FileList
080.D-0594(A) on 11 Feb 2008, 3.6 80Visitor2Normal Special3.6 Littlefair/ Dhillon/ Marsh FileList
00.0-0000 on 13 Feb 2008, 3.6 80Visitor2Normal  Technical time FileList
00.0-0000 on 15 Feb 2008, 3.6 80Visitor1Normal  Service Mode FileList
00.0-0000 on 16 Feb 2008, 3.6 80Visitor2Normal HARPS Calibration plan FileList

A maximum of 10 were found matching the provided criteria - any remaining rows were ignored.

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wdb 2.31 - 18-JUN-2007
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