wp6 - software
- UKATC (or "ULTRACAM") system:
- designed for high-speed data acquisition
- includes accurate timestamping, which is critical for HTRA applications
- based on the widely-used SDSU controller and linux PC's
- simple design philosophy (DSP/XML/HTTP), making it highly portable and
easy to develop
- extensive experience with system - 61 nights on the WHT and 17 nights on
the VLT allocated to ULTRACAM in the 3 years since first light
- software in demand from other users: WFCAM (JACH), FMOS (Durham/RAL),
DAZLE (IoA), EMIR (IAC).......
- aim of our contribution to WP6:
- add EMCCD functionality to the UKATC system
- status of our contribution to WP6:
- successfully tested simple DSP application to read out engineering-grade detector procured as
part of WP2 (Q4 2004)
- future plans for our contribution to WP6:
- design and write full suite of DSP applications (i.e. windowed-modes,
drift mode) to read out science-grade EMCCD's procured as part of WP2 (Q3 2005- Q1 2006)
- write spectroscopic version of the ULTRACAM pipeline data reduction system
(Q3 2005-Q1 2006)
- spend, to date, on our contribution to WP6:
- staff effort (at UKATC): 0.5 months
- future spend on our contribution to WP6:
- staff effort (at UKATC): 2 months