Vik Dhillon, version: 31 Jan 2025

  1. Introduction
  2. Where are HiPERCAM, ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC at the moment?
  3. Backups
  4. rsyncs
  5. Hot-swappable disks
  6. Data
  7. Packing lists (to be implemented)
  8. To do (to be implemented)


HiPERCAM is operated at the WHT and GTC, ULTRACAM is operated at the WHT, VLT and NTT, and ULTRASPEC is operated at the ESO 3.6m, NTT and TNT. All three instruments also spend time in the labs at Sheffield and the UKATC. We therefore have equipment in the UK, Chile, La Palma and Thailand, making logistics a nightmare. This web page is an attempt at improving our documentation and record-keeping in this respect.

Where are HiPERCAM, ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC at the moment?


The following backups of HiPERCAM/ULTRACAM/ULTRASPEC's various PCs exist. Note that ULTRACAM refers to the ULTRACAM data reduction PC. MAGNETAR is Vik's old (ULTRACAM) lap-top, which has long since been decommissioned. Information on the HiPERCAM backups will appear here shortly.

20/05/2002DATVik's officeULTRACAMbackup
14/08/2002DATVik's officeULTRACAMbackup
19/08/2002DATPaul Kerry's officeUCAM2level 0 backup of /, /ucam2 and /data
07/09/2002DATVik's officeUCAM2tar backup of /boot, / and /ultracam
14/09/2002DATPaul Kerry's officeULTRACAMtar backup of /boot and /
01/05/2004DATVik's officeUCAM2tar backup of /boot, / and /ultracam
23/03/2005DATVik's officeUCAM2Before Andy Vick came to Sheffield for VLT prep
06/04/2005DATVik's officeUCAM2After Andy Vick came to Sheffield (uncompressed tar)
06/04/2005DVDVik's officeUCAM2includes new counter card s/w & ultracam v0.91q for VLT
16/08/2005DATVik's officeUCAM3tar backup of /boot and / (uncomp)
17/11/2005USB4Vik's officeUCAM3backup
17/11/2005USB3Vik's officeUCAM3backup
17/11/2005USB3Vik's officeULTRACAMbackup
17/11/2005USB3Vik's officeMAGNETARbackup
19/11/2005DATVik's officeULTRACAMtar backup of /boot, / and /home after debian installation
19/11/2005HARD DISKULTRACAM:/ultracam_data1UCAM3gzipped tar backup of entire PC before second VLT run
19/11/2005DATVik's officeUCAM3uncomp tar backup of /boot and /
20/11/2005DVDVik's officeUCAM3gzipped tar of top-level directories, copy 1 of 2, made at Paranal
20/11/2005DVDVik's officeUCAM3tar.gz files of top level directories, copy 2 of 2, made at Paranal
01/11/2006HARD DISKULTRACAM:/ultracam_data1UCAM3direct copy of entire PC before ULTRASPEC comm run
01/11/2006DATVik's officeUCAM3tar backup of /boot and /
03/11/2006DATVik's officeULTRACAMbackup
04/12/2006USB5Vik's officeUCAM2/root/vsd backup (for ULTRASPEC changes)
04/12/2006USB5Vik's officeUCAM2/config/xml backup (for ULTRASPEC changes)
28/02/2007DVDVik's officeUCAM3Individual tar files
28/02/2007DATVik's officeULTRACAMtar backup of /boot, / and /home (gzip)
28/02/2007HARD DISKSCSI disk array:/data4UCAM3After ULTRASPEC commissioning run (gzipped tar)
28/02/2007DVDVik's officeUCAM3Includes ULTRASPEC software (2 disks, tar)
28/02/2007HARD DISKSCSI disk array:/data4UCAM3After ULTRASPEC commissioning run (3 iso files)
01/03/2007DATPaul Kerry's officeUCAM3tar backup of /boot and /
07/06/2007HARD DISKSCSI disk array:/data4IMEDIA1-VLTgzipped tar backup of entire PC
07/06/2007DATPaul Kerry's officeUCAM2full tar backup
07/06/2007HARD DISKhubble (Paul Kerry's PC)IMEDIA1-WHTfull tar gzipped backup
04/01/2008DATVik's officeUCAM2tar backup of /boot and / prior to UKATC visit to install new ULTRASPEC system. Copy 1 of 2
04/01/2008DATPaul Kerry's officeUCAM2tar backup of /boot and / prior to UKATC visit to install new ULTRASPEC system. Copy 2 of 2
25/01/2008DATVik's officeUCAM2tar backup of /boot and / at La Silla prior to ULTRASPEC run
05/08/2008DATVik's officeUCAM2tar backup of /boot and / at WHT before pk leaves. Copy 1 of 2
05/08/2008DATPaul Kerry's officeUCAM2tar backup of /boot and / at WHT before pk leaves. Copy 2 of 2
13/05/2009DATVik's officeUCAM3tar backup of /boot and / at Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT. Copy 1 of 2
13/05/2009DATPaul Kerry's officeUCAM3tar backup of /boot and / at Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT. Copy 2 of 2
13/05/2009HARD DISKULTRACAM:/ultracam_data/ucam3_backups/ucam3_2009_05_13UCAM3tar backup of top-level directories, made at Sheffield Lab before shipping to NTT
14/05/2009HARD DISKULTRACAM:/ultracam_data/imedia1wht_rsync_debian_osIMEDIA1-WHTfull initial rsync of new debian lenny operating system
15/05/2009DATVik's officeULTRACAMtar backups of /boot, / and /home. Copy 1 of 2
15/05/2009DATPaul Kerry's officeULTRACAMtar backups of /boot, / and /home. Copy 2 of 2
18/05/2009HARD DISKULTRACAM:/ultracam_data/ucam3_backups/ucam3_2009_05_18UCAM3tar backup of top-level directories, made at Sheffield Lab before shipping to NTT, including changes made since 13/05
18/05/2009DVDCrate: Disks and tapes boxUCAM3Individual tar files. Copy 1 of 2 (1 disk)
18/05/2009DVDVik's officeUCAM3Individual tar files. Copy 2 of 2 (1 disk)
01/12/2009HARD DISKULTRACAM:/ultracam_data/ucam2_backups/ucam2_2009_12_01UCAM2tar backup of top-level directories, made at Sheffield Lab before shipping to WHT
01/12/2009DVDCrate: Disks and tapes boxUCAM2Individual tar files. Copy 1 of 2 (1 disk)
01/12/2009DVDVik's officeUCAM2Individual tar files. Copy 2 of 2 (1 disk)
30/03/2010USB3Vik's officeUCAM5rsync backup of everything on UCAM5
30/03/2010USB3Vik's officeIMEDIA1rsync backup of everything on IMEDIA1
30/03/2010USB3Vik's officeULTRACAMrsync backup of /home and /etc directories
30/03/2010ULTRACAM:/home/backupsULTRACAMUCAM5rsync backup in Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT
30/03/2010ULTRACAM:/home/backupsULTRACAMULTRACAMrsync backup in Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT
30/03/2010ULTRACAM:/home/backupsULTRACAMIMEDIA1rsync backup in Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT
25/07/2011hubble:/local/star/backup/imedia1/debian_5.0_lennyPaul's officeimedia1imedia1 with debian 5.0 lenny o/s (used for P85-87 NTT run)
25/07/2011hubble:/local/star/backup/imedia1/debian_6.0_squeezePaul's officeimedia1imedia1 with 6.0 squeeze o/s (used for 2011B WHT run)
25/07/2011USB3Vik's officeULTRACAMrsync backup of /home/observer in Sheffield lab before shipping to WHT
25/07/2011USB3Vik's officeUCAM4rsync backup (not including /data* directories) in Sheffield lab before shipping to WHT


For ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC, we have two identical rack PCs, known as UCAM4 and UCAM5 (which replaced the older rack PCs UCAM2 and UCAM3 in March 2010). They contain all of the ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC system software. The idea is that if one fails whilst observing (which has happened in the past), a user needs simply to replace one with the other and everything should work without any other software/hardware changes.

In practice, of course, we continually make changes to the system software on the rack PC, and hence we need to regularly rsync the two PCs to keep them up to date with each other. The way we used to do this with the old rack PCs was to regularly rsync the PC currently in use onto /data4 in the SCSI disk array. When we decided to synchronise the two PCs, all we then had to do was to connect the other PC to the disk array and rsync it to /data4. This method, as opposed to the alternative of connecting the two PCs together and rsyncing them directly, had the advantage that we always had an up-to-date copy of the latest system on /data4. With the advent of UCAM4 and UCAM5 we kept the same system, but we decommissioned the SCSI disk array and replaced it with a hot-swappable 2TB SATA disk (known as /data1) for archiving data and a hot-swappable 500GB SATA disk for automatic rsyncing every day whilst observing.

In March 2010 we also commissioned a spare IMEDIA PC (known as IMEDIA2) and a spare (Viglen) data reduction PC (known as ULTRACAM2: from now on, I'll refer to the old (aluminium) ULTRACAM data reduction PC as ULTRACAM1). Confusingly, this means there are now three IMEDIA PCs: IMEDIA1-VLT, which is currently stored at the VLT, IMEDIA1-WHT (more commonly referred to as IMEDIA1 on this web page), which is the usual inhabitant of the electronics rack, and IMEDIA2 (the spare, an exact copy of IMEDIA1-WHT).

In 2012-2013, we upgraded ULTRASPEC for use on the 2.4m Thai National Telescope. This involved procuring a completely new rack and data reduction PC (and spares), as we now want to operate ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC at the same time at different telescopes. The new ULTRASPEC rack PCs are called UCAM6 and UCAM7, and are more or less identical to UCAM4 and UCAM5. The new data reduction PCs are ULTRASPEC1 (aka DRPC3) and ULTRASPEC2 (aka DRPC4).

The table below lists which rack PC, data reduction PC and IMEDIA PC was being used for each ULTRACAM/ULTRASPEC observing run. Information on the HiPERCAM PCs in use will appear here shortly.

InstrumentTelescopeDatesRack PC

Note that the change UCAM2 -> UCAM3 in the middle of the August 2008 run was made to eliminate the SDSU-PCI card as the possible cause of the SDSU crashes we were experiencing. The change UCAM3 -> UCAM2 in June 2009 was due to the PSU failing in UCAM3. UCAM4 and UCAM5 replaced UCAM2 and UCAM3 in March 2010. The change IMEDIA1 -> IMEDIA2 in March 2014 was due to the disk crash we experienced; we had to buy a new motherboard for IMEDIA1, which is now acting as the spare.

The table below records when each PC was last rsynced/cloned and lists any changes made to the system which necessitated the rsync. The direction UCAM2 -> UCAM3, for example, means copying files from UCAM2 to UCAM3, so that UCAM3 is made identical to UCAM2. Information on the HiPERCAM rsyncs will appear here shortly.

06/06/2007UCAM3 -> UCAM2Done by hand to merge ULTRASPEC system on UCAM3 with enhanced (e.g. NBLUE) ULTRACAM system on UCAM2
26/09/2007IMEDIA1-VLT -> IMEDIA1-WHTvia a tar backup
01/10/2007UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncfirst ever rsync with /data4 in Sheffield lab
17/10/2007IMEDIA1-WHT -> /data4/imedia1wht_rsyncat WHT
20/10/2007UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncat WHT 17:09 UT
21/10/2007UCAM2 -> UCAM3at WHT 22:30 UT. Only /ultracam-0.91q, /root, /usr/local
02/01/2008UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncin Sheffield lab. /root only
03/01/2008UCAM2 -> UCAM3in Sheffield lab. /root only (no changes to /ultracam-0.91q or /usr/local)
03/01/2008IMEDIA1-WHT -> /data4/imedia1wht_rsyncin Sheffield lab
11/01/2008UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncat UKATC following installation of Derek's new ULTRASPEC routine and Andy's changes to the filesave and fileserver. /root and /ultracam_package_sources
24/01/2008UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncat La Silla after unpacking (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources).
25/01/2008UCAM2 -> UCAM3at La Silla after unpacking (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources).
30/01/2008UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncat La Silla after Derek made minor code changes (/root, /ultracam-0.91q and /ultracam_package_sources)
30/01/2008UCAM2 -> UCAM3at La Silla during run before pk leaves (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources)
05/08/2008UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncat WHT during run before pk leaves (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources)
05/08/2008UCAM2 -> UCAM3at WHT during run before pk leaves (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources)
13/05/2009UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncin Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT. Complete rsync
13/05/2009UCAM3 -> /data4/ucam3_rsyncin Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT. First ever rsync with /data4. Complete rsync
18/05/2009UCAM3 -> UCAM2in Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT (/ultracam-0.91q and /root)
18/05/2009UCAM3 -> /data4/ucam3_rsyncin Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT, including changes made since 13/05. Complete rsync
19/05/2009UCAM3 -> /data4/ucam3_rsyncin Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT, including new FileServer
10/06/2009UCAM3 -> /data4/ucam3_rsyncat La Silla during run (/ultracam-0.91q /etc /root)
11/06/2009UCAM3 -> /data4/ucam3_rsyncat La Silla during run (/ultracam-0.91q - vsd alterations to dsp code for vertical clocking problem)
02/12/2009UCAM2 -> /data4/ucam2_rsyncin Sheffield lab before shipping to WHT (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources)
02/12/2009UCAM3 -> /data4/ucam3_rsyncin Sheffield lab before shipping to WHT (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources)
02/12/2009UCAM2 -> UCAM3in Sheffield lab before shipping to WHT (/ultracam-0.91q, /root and /ultracam_package_sources)
02/12/2009ULTRACAM -> /data4/drpc_home_vsd_backupin Sheffield lab before shipping to WHT (/home/vsd only)
30/03/2010UCAM5 -> UCAM4in Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT
30/03/2010IMEDIA1 -> IMEDIA2in Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT
30/03/2010ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2in Sheffield lab before shipping to NTT
21/04/2010ULTRACAM2 -> ULTRACAM1at NTT after Paul had repaired ULTRACAM1 following its disk crash
06/11/2010ULTRACAM2 -> ULTRACAM1in electronics workshop at La Silla prior to the NTT run
08/11/2010ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2after upgrading all system and application software
09/11/2010ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM1rsync of disk1 to (clone) disk2 in the new removable disk bay. From now on, this will be done automatically every day at 14:00 UT
10/11/2010UCAM4 -> UCAM4rsync of system disk to clone disk in the removable disk bay. From now on, this will be done automatically every day at 14:00 UT
12/11/2010UCAM4 -> UCAM5rsync of system disks.
12/11/2010IMEDIA1 -> IMEDIA2rsync of system disks.
13/11/2010ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2rsynced end_of_night_tasks, firewall settings file, all of /home, python updates
25/07/2011ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2rsync of /home
18/04/2012ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2rsync of /home
01/09/2012ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2rsync of /home, system software and application software
25/03/2013ULTRASPEC1 -> ULTRASPEC2cloned /home, and updated ULTRASPEC2 software - now identical to ULTRASPEC1
27/03/2013ULTRASPEC1 -> ULTRASPEC1full clone of ULTRASPEC1 disk to the spare disk in ULTRASPEC1's hot-swappable bay. From now on, this will be done automatically every day at 07:00 UT
27/03/2013UCAM6 -> UCAM6full clone of main hard (system) disk (so not including data disks) to the spare disk in UCAM6's hot-swappable bay. From now on, this will be done automatically every day at 02:00 UT
27/03/2013UCAM6 -> UCAM7full clone of ucam6 disk to ucam7 disk, and made necessary changes to ucam7 disk so that it runs in ucam7 case
30/05/2013UCAM6 -> pulsar:/ucam7/ucam6full rsync of the ucam6 rack pc to the ULTRACAM archive for easy file retrieval in an emergency
30/05/2013ULTRASPEC1:/home -> pulsar:/ucam7/ultracamdrpc3/homersync of the ULTRASPEC data reduction PC (drpc3) home directories to the ULTRACAM archive for easy file retrieval in an emergency
30/05/2013UCAM6 -> UCAM7rsync of the files that have changed since the last full rsync (this does not include system stuff pertaining to the disk living inside the ucam7 housing)
04/11/2013ULTRASPEC1upgraded master disk O/S to Debian 7 "Wheezy" amd64 (64-bit version)
04/11/2013ULTRASPEC1 -> ULTRASPEC1full clone of master disk to clone disk
04/11/2013ULTRASPEC1 -> ULTRASPEC2full clone from drpc3 (ULTRASPEC1) clone disk. adjustments made for drpc4 (ULTRASPEC2) hardware
07/11/2013ULTRASPEC1 -> ULTRASPEC2rsync of /home and some minor system changes, including static network setup for TNT (performed at the TNT)
09/11/2013ULTRASPEC1 -> ULTRASPEC2rsync of /home and new pipeline (performed at the TNT)
09/11/2013UCAM6 -> UCAM7rsync of /root, /usr/local (includes python 2.7.5), /home and some minor system changes (performed at the TNT)
30/06/2014ULTRACAM1upgraded master disk O/S to Debian 7 "Wheezy" (64-bit version), plus full initial clone using clonezilla from system hard disk to clone hard disk [cloning using cron is still running daily at 1400UT]
01/07/2014ULTRACAM2cloned system hard disk from ULTRACAM1 system hard disk, plus modifications made for changes of hardware in ULTRACAM2 compared with ULTRACAM1.
01/07/2014IMEDIA1new 60GB Kingston SSD drive installed with Debian 7 Wheezy (32bit). Limited bench testing seems ok, but not yet connected to rack to test peltier temperatures and slide operation.
01/03/2016ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM1Upgraded master disk O/S to Debian 8 "Jessie" (64-bit version). New clone disk also installed. Full clone of master disk to clone disk. This will be done automatically every day from 14:00 UT.
01/03/2016IMEDIA2Upgraded O/S to Debian 8 "Jessie" (32-bit version).
07/03/2016IMEDIA1New motherboard and RAM, and upgraded O/S to Debian 8 "Jessie" (32-bit version).
08/03/2016ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2rsync of /home.
17/03/2016ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2rsync of /home.
18/03/2016UCAM4 -> UCAM5rsync of /usr/local and /home.
22/03/2016UCAM4 -> UCAM5rsync of /usr/local and /home.
22/03/2016ULTRACAM1 -> pulsar:/ucam7/ultracamdrpc1 rsync of the silver ULTRACAM data reduction PC (ULTRACAM1) /etc and /home directories to the ULTRACAM archive for easy file retrieval in an emergency.
22/03/2016UCAM4 -> pulsar:/ucam7/ucam4 rsync of all directories on the ULTRACAM rack PC.
22/03/2016IMEDIA2 -> pulsar:/ucam7/imedia2 rsync of all directories on the ULTRACAM IMEDIA2 PC.
20/04/2016ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2rsync of /home at the NTT - includes all changes made since shipping from Sheffield.
13/01/2017ULTRASPEC2 (DRPC4)Hot-swappable hard-disk enclosure installed, with new clone disk cloned from ULTRASPEC1 (DRPC3).
09/05/2017ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM1cloned system hard disk from ULTRACAM1 system hard disk.
24/02/2019ULTRACAM1upgraded O/S to Debian 9 "Stretch" (64-bit version).
28/02/2019ULTRACAM1 -> ULTRACAM2full clonezilla clone of ULTRACAM1 system disk to ULTRACAM2 system disk. Note that the ULTRACAM2 disk is stored in box in crates, not in ULTRACAM2.

Hot-swappable disks

We now have hot-swappable bays installed in all of the ULTRACAM PCs. In this section we record details of the various disks in each of the bays.

During Spring 2024, we will be replacing the above ULTRACAM DRPC and its spare. They will have the following disks:

We also have hot-swappable bays installed in the two ULTRASPEC data-reduction PCs:

We also have hot-swappable bays installed in the two HiPERCAM data-reduction PCs:


Below is a record of each HiPERCAM/ULTRACAM/ULTRASPEC run and where/how the copies of the data from each run are stored. Note that all of the "Media" are currently stored in the HiPERCAM/ULTRACAM/ULTRASPEC lab at Sheffield . "USB" refers to USB external hard disks. "/ucam" refers to the hard disk storage array located in Vik's office and "SAN" refers to Warwick's storage area network. "RACK" refers to the hard disk storage associated with the HiPERCAM/ULTRACAM/ULTRASPEC rack PCs.

May 2002 WHTDVD & DAT/ucam1SAN-
Sep 2002 WHTDVD & DAT/ucam1SAN-
May 2003 WHTDVD & DAT (only 06-08/06/2003)/ucam1SAN-
Nov 2003 WHTDVD/ucam1SAN-
May 2004 WHTDVD/ucam1SAN-
Aug 2004 WHTDVD/ucam1SAN-
May 2005 VLTDVD/ucam1SAN-
May 2005 VLTUSB2: 21/05/2005/ucam1SAN-
Aug 2005 WHTDVD: 09-15/08/2005 /ucam1SAN-
Aug 2005 WHTUSB4: 15/08/2005 /ucam1SAN-
Aug 2005 WHTUSB1: 15/08/2005 /ucam1SAN-
Aug 2005 WHTUSB1: 25/08-01/09/2005 /ucam1SAN-
Aug 2005 WHTUSB2: 09-14/08/2005 /ucam1SAN-
Nov 2005 VLTUSB4/ucam2SAN-
Mar 2006 WHTUSB6/ucam2SAN-
Dec 2006 ESO 3.6mUSB5/ucam2SAN-
Jun 2007 VLTUSB7/ucam2SAN-
Oct 2007 WHTUSB9/ucam2SAN-
Nov 2007 WHTUSB8/ucam2SAN-
Jan 2008 ESO 3.6mUSB12/ucam2SAN-
Aug 2008 WHTUSB13/ucam2SAN-
Jan 2009 WHTUSB14/ucam2SAN-
Jun 2009 NTTUSB17/ucam3SAN-
Jan 2010 WHTUSB16/ucam3SAN-
Apr 2010 NTTUSB20: 19/04/2010-25/05/2010/ucam3SAN-
Apr 2010 NTTUSB21: 26/05/2010-15/06/2010/ucam3SAN-
Nov 2010 NTTUSB22/ucam4SAN-
Apr 2011 NTTUSB24/ucam4SAN-
Aug/Oct 2011 WHTUSB19: 14-27/08/2011, 29/10-03/11/2011/ucam5SAN-
Jan/Feb 2012 WHTUSB23/ucam5SAN-
Apr 2012 WHTUSB18: 24-29/04/2012 (& copy of 09/01-05/02/2012)/ucam5SAN-
Aug/Oct 2012 WHTUSB26/ucam6SAN-
Apr/Jul 2013 WHTUSB25: 19-24/04/2013, 10-31/07/2013/ucam6SAN-
Aug/Dec 2013 WHTUSB32/ucam6SAN-
Nov 2013 TNTUSB30/ucam6SAN-
Jan 2014 TNTUSB30/ucam6SAN-
Mar 2014 WHTUSB27/ucam6SAN-
Mar 2014 TNTUSB30: + all NARIT+GTO data from Nov 2013 to Mar 2014/ucam6SAN-
Apr-May 2014 WHTUSB27/ucam7SAN-
Aug 2014 WHTUSB33/ucam7SAN-
Nov-Dec 2014 TNTUSB31: + all data since first light on 05/11/2013/ucam7SAN-
Jan 2015 WHTUSB33/ucam7SAN-
Jan-Mar 2015 TNTUSB34: + all NARIT+GTO data from Apr 2014 to May 2015/ucam7SAN-
May-Jun 2015 WHTUSB39: + Aug 2014 & Jan 2015 WHT/ucam7SAN-
Sep 2015 WHTUSB40: + May-Jun 2015 WHT/ucam7SAN-
Dec 2015-Mar 2016 TNTUSB35/ucam7SAN-
Apr 2016 NTTUSB41/ucam7SAN-
Jul 2016 NTTUSB41/ucam7SAN-
Aug 2016 NTTUSB41/ucam9SAN-
Nov 2016 NTTUSB47/ucam9SAN-
Dec 2016 NTTUSB47/ucam9SAN-
Jan-Feb 2017 TNTUSB35: + all NARIT+GTO data from Oct 2015 to Oct 2017/ucam9SAN-
Mar 2017 NTTUSB47/ucam9SAN-
May-June 2017 NTTUSB49/ucam9SAN-
Aug 2017 WHTWD BLACK 2TB SATA DISK - contains HiPERCAM pre-commissioning data/astronas1?-
Oct 2017 NTTUSB50: + Jun 2017 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Oct 2017 WHTHiPERCAM_USB2/ucam10SAN
Nov 2017 NTTUSB50: + Jun 2017 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Dec 2017 TNTUSB37: + all NARIT+GTO data from Nov 2017 to Feb 2018/ucam9SAN-
Jan 2018 NTTUSB48: + Nov/Dec 2016 NTT + Mar/May 2017 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Jan-Feb 2018 TNTUSB37: + all NARIT+GTO data from Nov 2017 to Feb 2018/ucam9SAN
Feb 2018 GTCHiPERCAM_USB3/ucam10SAN
Mar 2018 NTTUSB48: + Nov/Dec 2016 NTT + Mar/May 2017 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Apr 2018 NTTUSB51: + Oct/Nov 2017 NTT + Jan/Mar 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Apr 2018 GTCHiPERCAM_USB4/ucam10SAN
May 2018 GTCHiPERCAM_USB4/ucam10SAN
May/June 2018 NTTUSB51: + Oct/Nov 2017 NTT + Jan/Mar 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Jun 2018 GTCHiPERCAM_USB4/ucam10SAN
Oct 2018 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN
Oct 2018 NTTUSB52: + Apr 2018 NTT + May/June 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Oct-Nov 2018 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN
Nov 2018 NTTUSB52: + Apr 2018 NTT + May/June 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Nov 2018 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN
Dec 2018 TNTUSB42: + all NARIT+GTO data from Nov 2017 to Feb 2019/ucam9-
Jan 2019 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN/data1
Feb 2019 TNTUSB42: + all NARIT+GTO data from Nov 2017 to Feb 2019/ucam9-/data1
Feb/Mar 2019 NTTUSB52: + Apr 2018 NTT + May/June 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Mar 2019 NTTUSB52: + Apr 2018 NTT + May/June 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Apr 2019 NTTUSB52: + Apr 2018 NTT + May/June 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
May 2019 NTTUSB52: + Apr 2018 NTT + May/June 2018 NTT/ucam9SAN-
Jun 2019 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN/data1
Jul 2019 NTTUSB53/ucam9SAN-
Jul 2019 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN/data1
Aug 2019 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN/data1
Sep 2019 GTCHiPERCAM_USB5/ucam10SAN/data1
Sep 2019 NTTUSB53/astronas1SAN-
Nov/Dec 2019 NTTUSB54: + Sep 2019 NTT + Jan 2020 NTT + Feb/Mar 2020 NTT/astronas1SAN-
Jan 2020 NTTUSB54: + Sep 2019 NTT + Nov/Dec 2019 NTT + Feb/Mar 2020 NTT/astronas1SAN-
Feb/Mar 2020 NTTUSB54: + Sep 2019 NTT + Nov/Dec 2019 NTT + Jan 2020 NTT/astronas1SAN-
Jan-Sep/Nov/Dec 2021 NTTUSB55: + Nov/Dec 2019 NTT + Jan-Mar 2020/astronas1SAN-
May 2021 GTCHiPERCAM_USB6: + Oct/Nov 2018 + Jan-Sep 2019/astronas1SAN/data1
Jun-Sep 2021 GTCHiPERCAM_USB7: + May 2021/astronas1SAN/data1
Mar-Apr 2022 NTTUSB56: + Jan-Sep/Nov/Dec 2021 NTT/astronas1SAN-
Feb 2018-May 2023 TNTULTRACAM_USB43: all NARIT+GTO data from this period/astronas1SAN-
Mar 2022-Mar 2023 NTTUSB57: + Mar-Dec 2022 + Mar 2023/astronas1?-
Apr-Jun/Aug-Sep/Dec 2022 NTTUSB58: + Mar-Apr/Sep 2023 NTT/astronas1SAN-
Mar-Apr/Sep 2023 NTTUSB58: + Apr-Jun/Aug-Sep/Dec 2022 NTT/astronas1SAN-
Feb 2019-Feb 2024 TNTULTRACAM_USB44: all NARIT+GTO data from this period/astronas1?-
May-Aug 2023 GTCHiPERCAM_USB8: + Jun-Sep 2021/astronas1SAN/data1
Oct 2023/Feb-Jul 2024 NTTUSB59: + Mar-Sep 2023 NTT/astronas1SAN-
Sep 2023-Apr 2024 GTCHiPERCAM_USB9: + May-Aug 2023/astronas1SAN/data1
May-June 2024 GTCHiPERCAM_USB10: + Jul-Dec 2023 + Jan-Apr 2024/astronas1SAN/data1

Info on other disks:

  1. PT5M_USB1 contains all the qsi data obtained with pt5m between 2012-09-13 and 2013-06-26 and is now stored in the Sheffield USB-disk archive.
  2. PT5M_USB2 contains all the qsi data obtained with pt5m between 2011-09-06 and 2012-09-10 and is now stored in the Sheffield USB-disk archive.
  3. USB28 (1.5TB, tiny Toshiba) contains all the qsi data obtained with pt5m between 2013-06-26 and 2015-01-14, the date we switched to the Officina Stellare telescope. A backup of all of the python scripts and the log files are also on this disk, taken on 2015-01-14. The disk is now stored in the Sheffield USB-disk archive.
  4. PT5M_USB3 (2.0TB, Western Digital, USB3) contains all the qsi data obtained with pt5m between 2015-09-16 and 2021-06-30 and is now stored in the Sheffield USB-disk archive.
  5. USB3 is in Vik's office and is used for ULTRACAM backups and storing reduced ULTRACAM data.
  6. USB10 died during the October 2007 WHT run - Maxtor replaced it and this is now in the pt5m crates (I think!)
  7. USB11 (750GB) is in the ULTRACAM crates and acting as a spare.
  8. USB15 is lost! It was returned to Sheffield from Warwick in March 2009 and seems to have disappeared.
  9. USB29 (1.5TB, tiny Toshiba) was in the pt5m crate acting as a spare, but I can't find it now! Seems to be lost.
  10. USB33 (1.5TB, tiny Toshiba) also contains some backups - silver_drpc_backup/ contains an rsync of the ULTRACAM1 (silver DRPC) with the following directories: admin, cc, observer, rhickman, root, sl, star, trm, ukatc, ultracam_data, vsd. Note that the ultracam_data/ directory contains old backups from IMEDIA1, UCAM2 and UCAM3, plus another folder (ultracam_data/root) with older backups of ULTRACAM1. This disk is now stored in the Sheffield USB-disk archive.
  11. USB36 is currently in the ULTRASPEC crates in Thailand, ready to be re-used for the ULTRASPEC+TNT runs in the 2018/19+ seasons. (It currently contains GTO+NARIT data from 13/10/2015 to 01/11/2017, all of which can be safely deleted.)
  12. USB38 (1.0TB, tiny Toshiba) is in the pt5m crate on La Palma and awaiting connection to ron to use as the main archiving disk.
  13. USB45 (2.0TB, tiny Western Digital) is currently connected to the ULTRASPEC DRPC and contains the NARIT+GTO data from May 2023 onwards.
  14. USB46 (2.0TB, tiny Western Digital) is with Tim (Somsawat) (or is it now with Stu?) for temporarily storing his MOSCAM calibration data. This will be reused in a future MOSCAM science run.
  15. USB60 and USB61 (2.0TB, tiny Western Digital) are currently mounted on the ULTRACAM DRPC and are in use for the period 113 and 114 NTT runs in 2024-25.
  16. HIPERCAM_USB1 (2.0TB, Western Digital Elements, USB3) is now permanently stored in the Sheffield lab and contains data from the second HiPERCAM run on the GTC in April 2018 (14th-19th, but no data on 19th due to poor weather). USB1 also contains a copy of the data from the first HiPERCAM run on the WHT in October 2017 (17th-22nd) - these data have been processed by Stu's script to correct the exposure times in the FITS headers. The original, unaltered files have been kept on this disk as well, in the directory orig_data/, but a bug in Stu's script means a few of the exposure time headers are wrong: if you want the uncorrupted orig_data/, use the copy on HIPERCAM_USB2.
  17. HIPERCAM_USB2 (2.0TB, Western Digital Elements, USB3) is now permanently stored in the Sheffield lab and contains data from the first HiPERCAM run on the WHT in October 2017 (17th-22nd). The data on USB2 have been processed by Stu's script to correct the exposure times in the FITS headers. The original, unaltered files have been kept on this disk as well, in the directory orig_data/.
  18. HiPERCAM_USB13 (5.0TB, WD Elements, USB3) and HiPERCAM_USB14 (5.0TB, WD Elements, USB3) are currently connected to the HiPERCAM DRPC and in use from 2025 onwards.
  19. HiPERCAM_USB11 and HiPERCAM_USB12 are in the HiPERCAM crates awaiting storage in the lab in Sheffield.
  20. HiPERCAM_USB15 to HiPERCAM_USB20 (5.0TB, WD Elements, USB3) are currently in the HiPERCAM crates at the GTC awaiting use from 2025 onwards.
  21. USB62-64 (2.0TB, Western Digital Elements, USB3) are currently being stored in the ULTRACAM crates at La Silla and awaiting use in 2024 onwards.
  22. USB65 (2.0TB, Western Digital Elements, USB3) is currently connected to the ULTRASPEC DRPC and contains the NARIT+GTO data from Feb 2024 onwards.
  23. USB66 (2.0TB, Western Digital Elements, USB3) is in the ULTRASPEC crates, awaiting use in 2025 onwards.
  24. USB67-69 (5.0TB, WD Elements, USB3) are currently in the Sheffield lab awaiting transport to Thailand by Steven Parsons in March 2025.
  25. The /data1 disk in the ULTRACAM rack PC (UCAM4) died at the end of March 2022 and was replaced with the spare /data1 disk, which was originally used in the spare ULTRACAM rack PC (UCAM5). A replacement spare has been shipped to La Silla and is currently stored in the ULTRACAM crates at the NTT.