Multicolour observations of V404 Cyg with ULTRACAM
Shahbaz T., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Zurita C., Haswell C. A., Charles P. A., Hynes R. I., Casares J.
2003, MNRAS, 346, 1116
ULTRACAM photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable OU Vir
Feline W. J., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Stevenson M. J., Watson C. A., Brinkworth C. S.
2004, MNRAS, 347, 1173
Multicolour high-speed photometry of pulsating subdwarf B stars with ULTRACAM
Jeffery C. S., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Ramachandran B.
2004, MNRAS, 352, 699
ULTRACAM photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variables XZ Eri and DV UMa
Feline W. J., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Brinkworth C. S.
2004, MNRAS, 355, 1
RXJ2130.6+4710 - an eclipsing white dwarf-M-dwarf binary star
Maxted P. F. L., Marsh T. R., Morales-Rueda L., Barstow M. A., Dobbie P. D.,
Schreiber M. R., Dhillon V. S., Brinkworth C. S.
2004, MNRAS, 355, 1143
Multicolour high-speed photometry of the sdB star PG0014+067 with ULTRACAM
Jeffery C. S., Aerts C., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Gaensicke B. T.
2005, MNRAS, 362, 66
ULTRACAM observations of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 in quiescence
Shahbaz T., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Casares J., Zurita C., Charles P. A., Haswell C. A., Hynes R. I.
2005, MNRAS, 362, 975
High-speed, multi-colour optical photometry of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61 with ULTRACAM
Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Hulleman F., van Kerkwijk M. H., Shearer A., Littlefair S. P., Gavriil F. P., Kaspi V. M.
2005, MNRAS, 363, 609
Detection of a period decrease in NN Ser with ULTRACAM: evidence for strong magnetic braking or an unseen
Brinkworth C. S., Marsh T. R., Dhillon V. S., Knigge C.
2005, MNRAS, in press (astro-ph/0510331)
ULTRACAM photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variables GY Cnc, IR Com and HT Cas
Feline W. J., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Watson C. A., Littlefair S. P.
2005, MNRAS, in press
Small and distant Kuiper Belt Objects revealed by stellar occultations
Roques F., Doressoundiram A., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Bickerton
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2005, Nature, submitted (currently responding to referees' comments)