Hi Paul,

I've gathered together everything on this web page for you.

Firstly, if you were to show only 1 overhead of ULTRACAM during your talk, it should be this one...

ULTRACAM - postscript version
ULTRACAM - html version
ULTRACAM - jpg version
ULTRACAM - gif version

It summarises the most important aspects of ULTRACAM and its possible use on the VLT. Hopefully, you should be able to print at least one of these out on your system. If you can't, please let me know. If you have more time, you might want to select some additional overheads from these ones...
Finally, if you want more background information, try...
Many thanks for all your efforts with this - I think it is great that you are raising the profile of high time-resolution work on the VLT (which is clearly an important area which ESO should be looking to exploit).

