Selection of ULTRACAM press releases and news items:

10/10/2024 - "Black hole destroys one star and then goes after another in major cosmic discovery" - QUB press release
15/11/2023 - "Sheffield astronomers help discover signs of life in a star's explosive death" - Sheffield press release,
                   Nature news, Cornell press release
27/10/2023 - "Sheffield astronomers help to confirm heaviest elements in the Universe are formed in kilonovae" -
                   Sheffield press release, Warwick press release, Radboud press release
15/06/2023 - "Discovery of white dwarf pulsar sheds light on star evolution" - Warwick press release
05/05/2022 - "Astronomers discover a rare 'black widow' binary star, with the shortest orbit ever identified" -
                   Sheffield press release, MIT press release
07/12/2017 - "Black holes' magnetism surprisingly wimpy" - University of Florida press release, Astronomy magazine
30/10/2017 - "Scientists penetrate mystery of raging black hole beams" - Southampton press release, artist's impression,
                    data animation, artist's animation, Sheffield press release, HEAPOW,
                    Front Cover of Nature Astronomy, Dec 2017, News & Views in Nature Astronomy
27/07/2016 - "White Dwarf Lashes Red Dwarf with Mystery Ray" - ESO press release, artist's impression, animation,
                    ESA Hubble Space Telescope, Warwick press release, EarthSky
16/03/2016 - "Astronomers see black hole raging red" - RAS press release, ING press release,
                    Southampton press release, Astronomy Now, Independent, Metro, Science Daily
18/02/2015 - "The Strange Case of the Missing Dwarf" - ESO press release, CNET
17/02/2015 - "Dust to dust: a disintegrating rocky exoplanet could unlock secrets to how our
                    solar system was formed"
- Press release
14/12/2014 - "One of most accurate measurements of the size of a Trans-Neptunian Object
                    from a stellar occultation"
- Press release, video
27/06/2013 - "Survivor of stellar collision is new type of pulsating star" - Press release,
                   sound clip and visualisations
25/04/2013 - "Einstein Was Right - So Far" - ESO press release, Sky and Telescope article
12/04/2013 - "RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting on High Time-Resolution Optical Astrophysics" -
                    meeting to celebrate the tenth anniversary of first light with ULTRACAM
11/01/2013 - "Jackson-Gwilt Medal awarded by Royal Astronomical Society for ULTRACAM" -
                   Press releases: RAS, STFC, ING, Sheffield, The Times
21/11/2012 - "Dwarf planet Makemake examined for the first time" - ESO press release, BBC news,
                   Daily Mail, Astronomy Picture of the Day, link to various movies
09/10/2010 - "Planetary system discovered around double star" - Sheffield and Warwick press releases,
                   BBC news,, Astronomy magazine, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Metro
13/05/2009 - "High-speed astrophysics with ULTRACAM/ULTRASPEC" - Jodcast
15/10/2008 - "VLT and Rossi XTE satellite probe violently variable black holes" - ESO and RIKEN press releases
15/10/2008 - "Two black holes teach astronomers a lesson" - NASA web feature
07/02/2007 - First Observational Evidence of a Dead Cataclysmic Variable - ING scientific highlight
01/05/2007 - "Astronomers Unearth a Cataclysmic Corpse" - Sky & Telescope article
07/12/2006 - "Cataclysmic Cannibals in the Sky" - Science press release
01/09/2005 - Observing with the New High-Speed Camera ULTRACAM on Melipal - ESO Messenger article
09/06/2005 - "Ultra-fast Movies of the Sky" - ESO press release
09/06/2005 - "Astronomy in the fast lane " - PPARC/ROE press release
09/02/2004 - "New instruments give UK astronomers control of time domain" - RAS press release, video, slides
28/10/2002 - "ULTRACAM successfully commissioned on the WHT" - ING bulletin article (pdf), (html)
14/08/2002 - "New Telescope Camera Targets Fast-Spinning Hearts of Distant Galaxies" - article
25/07/2002 - "100 Photographs in the Blink of an Eye" - PPARC press release

Selection of ULTRACAM publications:

10/10/2024 - "Quasi-periodic X-ray eruptions years after a nearby tidal disruption event" - Nature paper
15/11/2023 - "Minutes-duration optical flares with supernova luminosities" - Nature paper
25/10/2023 - "Heavy element production in a compact object merger observed by JWST" - Nature paper
15/06/2023 - "A 5.3-min-period pulsing white dwarf in a binary detected from radio to X-rays" - Nature Astronomy paper
04/05/2022 - "A 62-minute orbital period black widow binary in a wide hierarchical triple" - Nature paper
08/12/2017 - "A precise measurement of the magnetic field in the corona of the black hole binary V404 Cygni" - Science paper
30/10/2017 - "An elevation of 0.1 light-seconds for the optical jet base in an accreting Galactic black hole system" - Nature Astronomy paper
27/07/2016 - "A radio-pulsing white dwarf binary star" - Nature paper
16/03/2016 - "Furiously Fast and Red: Sub-second Optical Flaring in V404 Cyg during the 2015 Outburst Peak" - MNRAS paper
18/02/2016 - Full list of ULTRACAM publications
09/10/2015 - "Accretion-induced variability links young stellar objects, white dwarfs, and black holes" - Science Advances paper
27/06/2013 - "Multi-periodic pulsations of a stripped red-giant star in an eclipsing binary system" - Nature paper
26/04/2013 - "A Massive Pulsar in a Compact Relativistic Binary" - Science paper
21/11/2012 - "Albedo and atmospheric constraints of dwarf planet Makemake from a stellar occultation" - Nature paper
01/10/2010 - "Two planets orbiting the recently formed post-common envelope binary NN Serpentis" - A&A paper
01/07/2007 - "ULTRACAM: an ultrafast, triple-beam CCD camera for high-speed astrophysics" - MNRAS paper
01/12/2006 - "A Brown Dwarf Mass Donor in an Accreting Binary" - Science paper and Science Perspectives
30/10/2002 - "The Ultracam camera control and data acquisition system" - SPIE paper