------------------------------- ---- pt5m Observations Log ---- ------------------------------- Date: 04/12/2011 Observers: Liam Hardy Weather: moderate windspeed, low humidity. No visible clouds, but terrible seeing - robodimm measuring 2.5" Sunset: 18:21 UT Sunrise: 07:41 UT Moon: Bright Comments: Some problems setting up: Power cut over the weekend meant that most systems were powered off, and all daemons were not running. I managed to start all the systems, and start all daemons, but the tel daemon had some problems. I had to start it, kill it, and power-cycle the scope (power on 9, power off 9) before it would respond to the 'track' command. It still displayed status: 1 though. Skyflats began at 18:30. Run numbers r0015191-205 WASP-33 transit observed from 19:00. Poor quality data - even with 15 second exposures, max counts rarely reached 20,000 due to terrible seeing and wind buffeting. Run numbers r0015206-15810. Observations ceased at 22:50, as the tracking stopped for a pier-flip. Transit finished at 21:00, and poor seeing suggests it is not worth continuing observations - better to save my energy for tomorrow night! 20 x bias frames taken at 22:50. Run numbers r0015816-835