------------------------------- ---- pt5m Observations Log ---- ------------------------------- Date: 18/11/2011 Observers: Liam Hardy Weather: Early: calm weather, but high cloud to begin with. Clearing up by 21:00UT. Later: seeing(or focus) seriously deteriorated around 01:30UT. Thin clouds coming in at 03:30UT. Sunset: 18:24 UT Sunrise: 07:28 UT Moon: Grey Comments: Evening sky flats taken, after a few problems setting up (tel daemon did not respond until initiating the commands "power off 9" and "power on 9" (power-cycling the scope) - then things worked fine). I was planning to use Stu's flats scripts, but due to the delay in starting, and the script automatically trying to take flats in all filters, I decided to do them manually instead as I only need flats in the R filter. Run numbers r0007932-7944 20 x bias frames taken r0007951-7970 WASP-33b observed from around 20:30UT (thick cloud before this) r0007980-8457, r0008467-9066 Seeing deteriorates and thin clouds coming in by 03:30UT. Observations ceased at 03:45UT.