------------------------------- ---- pt5m Observations Log ---- ------------------------------- Date: 28/10/2011 Observers: Liam Hardy, Vik Dhillon Weather: Good - no clouds, low humidity, but high winds - too high to observe until 21:00 UT Sunset: 18:37 UT Sunrise: 07:13 UT Moon: Dark Comments: Biases taken (r0001794-1804) (using multdark, exp. time of 0.01 seconds) Missed sky-flats due to high winds. Dome flats taken instead with bright light at position: azimuth=83.99, elevation=57.23 (r0001784-1793) exp. time of 15 seconds. Problem with target acquisition initally. Shutdown tel daemon, restarted tel daemon - target acquired fine. Created script to automatically update ds9 with each new image as it is created. Observations of WASP-33b began around 21:00 UT (r0001805-2645, 2722-3097) Discovered that offsets applied to the telescope pointing do not disappear unless the telescope is parked, then sent to track again. Windspeed rose abruptly at around 03:30 UT, causing the dome to automatically close. Unfortunately, this was just minutes before the transit began. Windspeed continued to rise until sunrise - no sky flats, transit not observed. More biases taken during high winds: run numbers r0003145-3244 All files copied to ULTRACAM reduce/liam/2011-10-28 directory. UCM files created. Aperture file created. Basic reduction done.